
Created by Nana Kweku 3 years ago
“To the living, I'm gone
To the sorrowful, I'll never return
To the angry, I was cheated
But to the happy I am at peace
And to the faithful I have never left.”
                          (Margaret Mead, Remember Me)
This is a perfect mix of emotions we are feeling now.
Mum. Mummy. Auntie Anna. Auntie Ewurana. Anna B. We call out. But there is no response. We shouldn't be here today. But God, who knows best has decided we should gather here this morning to celebrate your life. It's very difficult putting down the forty plus years you have been our Mum into words. We had the most wonderful childhood filled with laughter and joy, all day all year round. We didn't have it all and it wasn't until adulthood that we really appreciated your sacrifices and toils for us. We are grateful we were able to let you know how much we valued you as our mother.
Ayido Valley, Ayido Crescent were practically thoroughfares for all and sundry. The Abbans, Asomanings, Fianus’, Osei, Dodoos just to name a few were always around. Looking back, you were very brave. An example is when you put your life in our hands  by teaching us to drive. The flower pots we broke, the bushes we drove into along the Nouguchi road and so on. I was really looking forward to you continuing the tutelage with the grandkids.
Growing up on Legon campus, you taught us how to rear animals and plant backyard crops. This was even continued when you moved to Ofankor. We will miss you dropping by with produce from your garden. We knew about organic produce long before it became a buzzword worldwide. This also taught us to make time for our homes as part of our extra-curricular activities. You were an excellent example of a woman who combined her working career with motherly duties. Equally combining her job with motherly duties, Mummy, made the most of the time with us by giving us all quality time.
If in time we should forget everything about you Mum, it won't be your cooking. You were a proper Fante lady who  made her own kenkey, bread, cakes and what have you.  We rarely bought any readymade food from outside. Even preparing our daily snacks was not a problem for her. Thus, there was no issue of taking money to school since we had our homemade biscuits, scones and so on. Of course, this didn't stop us from selling our snacks to our mates so we could get some coins to go for drinks for the jet spray machine. As for the bacon, ham and pork chops, don’t go there kwraaa and the to crown it all, her Sunday evening egg custard. It was finger licking good.
As full of love as she was, you could be sure of her discipline when the need arose. She would knock you when you were least expecting and you would bite your tongue before you even felt the knock on your head. She was strict when necessary and she set high standards for us. Our family gatherings on the 26th of December will be a very painful reminder of your absence. Who will keep calling us to find out how close we are? Who will ensure that every family goes home with pork products?
You fell ill for a short time and were admitted in Korle-Bu. We all thought this was a minor issue and you would be back on your feet soon. Sadly, the Good Lord had other plans. As Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord." We have still not gotten over the fact that you are gone.  We talked constantly on your admission and  visited everyday. You sent me on an errand. "Was it to distract me?" You indirectly gave some instructions about kitchen arrangements. Was this your way of saying goodbye? We miss you. We really really miss you. Your quiet gentle smile.
Sleep well
Rest well
Till we meet again in paradise.
